【決定版】「RIGHT NEXT TO YOU」歌割り/歌詞割り
Yeah baby...
So many times, so many places
Livin' the life, feeling amazing
Yeah, But I-----, finally found you
I won't let you go
Hit the lights girl,
just watch the stars shine
But no no this is not just one night
So believe me, Never leaving
That's a promise
I'm never gonna find another you,
this lifetime
Girl if you give me a chance,
I'll give you my all
You need to know that
I will never ever treat you badly oh
If you still don't want to believe me,
let me change your mind,
I'm Right next to you
Right next to you
Right next to you Uh
Finally found the perfect place,
but nothing without you
Right next to you
Lost in your eyes eyes eyes
Right next to you
I'm here to show you my love
Right next to you
You need to be here right next to me
Just so you know that I know
Love is something you grow
Don't get it twisted, each version is different
But I can go better no matter
the weather let's go go
Girl come with me 'bout to change your life
I gotta lotta things to show ya
Starting with tonight
Girl if you give me a chance,
I'll give you my all
You need to know that
I will never ever treat you badly oh
If you still don't want to believe me,
let me change your mind,
I'm Right next to you
Right next to you
Right next to you Uh
Finally found the perfect place,
but nothing without you
Right next to you
Lost in your eyes eyes eyes
Right next to you
I'm here to show you my love
Right next to you Uh
You need to be here right next to me
I know your heart
has been through ups and downs
But I'm not like those guys,
just wanna love you
I'd spend my life, I'd spend my time,
Just to prove that I'm the one oh!
Oh Yeah
I'm Right next to you
Lost in your eyes eyes eyes
Right next to you
I'm here to show you my love
Right next to you Uh
Finally found the perfect place,
but nothing without you
Right next to you
Right next to you
Lost in your eyes eyes eyes
Right next to you
I'm here to show you my love
Right next to you Uh
Right next to you Right next to you
You need to be here right next to me

We're timelesz LIVE TOUR 2024 episode0
2024年4月1日にtimeleszに改名後、初のツアーとなっており“新生 timeleszの挨拶まわり”といったコンセプトで全国を回ったこのツアーは、6月22日の北海道・真駒内セキスイハイムアイスアリーナからスタートし、8月25日の大阪・大阪城ホールまで全国7都市25公演合計27万6000人を動員。
Sexy Zoneの歴史を振り返りながら、timeleszの「過去」・「現在」・「未来」をテーマに3人で作り上げたステージは必見。
機構では Sexy Zoneとしてデビュー以降、単独公演では初めて“ムービングステージ”を使用し、会場の隅々までパフォーマンスを届けた。
timeleszの新ロゴをモチーフにした衣装や16枚の可動 LEDを組み合わせた演出も見どころ。